
B.A., University of North Dakota, 1971

J.D., University of North Dakota, 1974


Owen L. Anderson retired from the College of Law in December 2015. He is a Distinguished Oil and Gas Scholar at the University of Texas at Austin School of Law and and Co-academic Director of the interdisciplinary Kay Bailey Hutchison Energy Center.

While at the OU College of Law, he was the driving force behind the creation of the John B. Turner LL.M. Program in Energy, Natural Resources & Indigenous Peoples Law and the Oil and Gas, Natural Resources, and Energy Journal (ONE J). He also helped launch the Oxford Journal of World Energy Law and Business. He is an expert in domestic and international petroleum law. He regularly teaches classes in international petroleum transactions at various universities on six continents. In 2011, he received the Clyde O. Martz Award for Excellence in Teaching from the Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation.

He has authored over 100 articles and is a co-author of International Petroleum Law and Transactions, Cases and Materials on Oil and Gas Law, A Student's Guide to Estates in Land and Future Interests, and the annual supplements to the Texas Law of Oil and Gas. He previously updated the supplements to Kuntz on Oil and Gas Law and was contributing author of Waters and Water Rights and International Petroleum Exploration and Exploitation Agreements. He is the co-editor-in-chief of the Texas Title Standards; and a member of the executive committee of the Journal of World Energy Law and Business.

Additional Information

Clyde O. Martz Award for Excellence in Teaching, Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation, 2011

Member of the Association of International Energy Negotiators

Lifetime Honorary Trustee of the Foundation of Natural Resources and Energy Law 

Trustee of the Energy and Mineral Law Foundation

Member of the Advisory Board for the Institute for Energy Law at the Center for American and International Law

Life Member of the Uniform Laws Commission

Member of the American Law Institute

Member of the American Association of Professional Landmen

Member of the International Bar Association, the American Bar Association, and the North Dakota and Texas Bars