
Rolling Applications
Due: 2 weeks before start date
Classes Begin:
January, May, and August
Considering a law career in the nonprofit, government, or business sector?
Our Master of Legal Studies (M.L.S.) program is designed for you. Our programs offer a flexible online option to accommodate your needs as a working professional. Specialize in indigenous peoples law, energy and natural resources law, or healthcare law.

Open Doors to New Opportunities

You don’t need to be a lawyer to benefit from a law education. An M.L.S. degree can open up many doors beyond the field of law.

Flowers on campus
Jason Maloy , M.L.S. Graduate ‘17

I will always appreciate OU and the College of Law for giving me a foundation to help open up my first business and I will always be a Sooner for life.


Finances shouldn’t be a barrier to your career goals. Let us help you find the funding to pursue your dream career.
Flowers on campus

More Information

Review the academic calendar here.

Learn More About the M.L.S. Program