Vol. 10, No. 3 (February 2025)

The 2024 Survey on Oil & Gas

Editor's Introduction and Front Pages - Alexandra Jury   PDF

Alaska - Steven A. Rhodes, Zachary H. Barrett & Kizito Aidam   PDF

Arkansas - Andreah Riedel   PDF

Colorado - David R. Little & Diana S. Prulhiere   PDF

Illinois - Delainey Banks & Madison Pemberton   PDF

Kansas - Steven Rhodes & Sarah Trainer    PDF

Kentucky - Kathleen R. Begley   PDF

Louisiana - Jim Tartaglia   PDF

Maryland - Tia L. Churchfield   PDF

Michigan - M. Vafa Barissi & Delainey Banks   PDF

Missouri - Douglas J. Crouse   PDF

Montana - Kathleen R. Begley   PDF

Nebraska - Sarah Trainer   PDF

Nevada - Grace E. George   PDF

New Mexico - Blake C. Jones   PDF

New York - Delainey Banks   PDF

North Dakota - William J. Black   PDF

Ohio - Tim McKeen & Melissa Grimes   PDF

Oklahoma - Matt Schlensker & Sandra Fraley   PDF

Pennsylvania - Nathaniel I. Holland   PDF

Tennessee - Westley A. Ketron   PDF

Texas - Matt Schlensker   PDF

Utah - Alan M. White   PDF

Virginia - Zachary H. Barrett & Kizito Aidam   PDF

West Virginia - Andrew S. Graham   PDF

Sovereign Lands - Brent D. Chicken & Tanner M. Boyzuick   PDF

Recent Case Decisions   PDF

VOL. 10, NO. 2 (January 2025)

Editor's Introduction and Front Pages - Alexandra Jury   PDF

Overview of Oil and Gas Activities in the Amazonian Territories - Leonardo Costa da Fonseca & Marcio Pina Marques   PDF

Fixing the Last Frontier: How Law and Policy Governing Commercial Fishing Have Failed Alaska’s Environment and Economy - Andrew Ilemsky   PDF

Infrastructure, Equity and Climate Change: The Promise of the Infrastructure Investment And Jobs Act (IIJA) - Dante R. Gurule   PDF

VOL. 10, NO. 1 (September 2024)

Editor's Introduction and Front Pages - Alexandra Jury   PDF

(Re-)Drill, Baby, Drill! Why Congress and BLM Should Encourage Geothermal Via Old Oil Wells - Jason W. Kersey   PDF

Nuclear in My Backyard: Was the 5th Circuit Correct in Splitting the Circuits Over the Storage of Spent Nuclear Waste? - Kohl Lester   PDF

If It Ain’t Broke: Considering Legislatively Mandated Formula Rate Plans for Oklahoma’s Electric Utilities - Meredith Gunner   PDF

No Girls Allowed: How Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination Keep Women Out of Oil Fields - Alyssa Biasatti   PDF

Preventing Poor Pore Policy: A Call for Interstate Cooperation - Madison Taylor   PDF

Lying by Emission: Why Agencies Should Be Required to Disclose the Upstream and Downstream Environmental Impacts of Their Projects - Reese Charles   PDF

Navigating the Skies: Addressing the Regulatory Shortcomings of CORSIA and the Carbon Market While Proposing a Revised Framework for Accountability and Enforcement - Karim Yehia   PDF

A Tres C Approach: Three Steps to Oil and Gas Lease Termination - Lucia Kezele   PDF

Vol. 9, No. 4 (May 2024)

Editor's Introduction & Front Pages - Kelsey Lauerman   PDF

Public or Private? It Doesn’t Matter: An Analysis of the Court/Agency Relationship as to the Issue of Operator Designation - Kyle Garza   PDF
East Asian Energy Transition: Opportunities, Challenge, and the Paris Agreement - Kody Hicks   PDF
It’s Not Easy Going Green: An Analysis of the Greenwashing Phenomenon and Its Place in Federal Court Through the Case of Mass. v. ExxonMobil Corp. - Kelsey Lauerman   PDF
Risky Business: Shining a Light with Corporate Climate-Related Disclosures in an Age of Agency Skepticism - Brie Strickland Miller   PDF
Balancing on the Knife’s Edge: Subject Matter Jurisdiction in Climate Tort Litigation - Alli Niemiec   PDF
Remarks at the Eugene Kuntz Award Reception - Eric King   PDF

Vol. 9, No. 3 (March 2024)

Editor's Introduction and Front Pages - Kelsey Lauerman   PDF

Fountains of Living Waters: How Early Mormon Irrigation Innovated the Legal Landscape of the West - Ellen (Melton) Carr   PDF

Brazil’s Local Content Requirements: Evolution, Lessons Learned & International Trade Limitations - Eduardo G. Pereira, Aaron Koenck, William A. Clavijo Vitto, Fernanda Delgado, João Victor Correia Lopes, and Ana Carolina Marins De Carvalho   PDF

Crisis in the Oil and Gas Industry: Custody of Orphan Wells - Katie Plas   PDF

Smart Grids as Regulators: A Critical Assessment - Jesse Valente   PDF

Recent Case Decisions   PDF

Vol. 9, No. 2 (December 2023)

The 2023 Survey on Oil & Gas

Editor's Introduction and Front Pages - Kelsey Lauerman   PDF

Alaska - Steven A. Rhodes & Zachary H. Barrett   PDF

Arkansas - Jim Tartaglia   PDF

Colorado - Diana S. Prulhiere & David R. Little   PDF

Illinois - Delainey Banks & Madison Pemberton   PDF

Kansas - Steven Rhodes & Sarah Trainer    PDF

Kentucky - Gary Holland   PDF

Louisiana - Jim Tartaglia   PDF

Maryland - Tia L. Churchfield   PDF

Michigan - M. Vafa Barissi   PDF

Missouri - Douglas J. Crouse   PDF

Montana - Amanda J. Dick   PDF

Nebraska - Sarah Trainer   PDF

Nevada - Kevin Hivick   PDF

New Mexico - Blake C. Jones   PDF

New York - Delainey Banks   PDF

North Dakota - William J. Black   PDF

Ohio - Tim McKeen & Melissa Grimes   PDF

Oklahoma - Matt Schlensker & Sandra Fraley   PDF

Pennsylvania - Nathaniel I. Holland, Jon C. Beckman & Benedict J. Kirchner   PDF

Tennessee - Westley A. Ketron   PDF

Texas - Melissa Munson & Matt Schlensker   PDF

Utah - Alan M. White   PDF

Virginia - Zachary H.  Barrett   PDF

West Virginia - Andrew S. Graham   PDF

Wyoming - John R. Chadd   PDF

Sovereign Lands - Brent D. Chicken & Amanda J. Dick   PDF

Vol. 9, No. 1 (September 2023)

Editor's Introduction and Front Pages - Kelsey Lauerman   PDF

To Clear the Air: Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company and Evolving National Acceptance of RSG Certification Standards - Grasyn Fuller   PDF

Why “Go Green” When You Can Stay Sooner Red?: An Analysis of Oklahoma’s Energy Discrimination Act of 2022 - Shivani Lalloo   PDF

The Montana “2.0” Test for Tribal Civil Adjudicatory Jurisdiction: A Grain of Rights - Rosemary Mahaffey   PDF

Corporate Criminal Consequences of the Deepwater Horizon Disaster - Charles Phillips   PDF

The Arc of the Implied Covenant: An Analysis of the Modern Implied Covenant to Reasonably Develop the Lease Premises - Samuel Skupin   PDF

Impact of the 45Q Tax Credit on the Ownership of Pore Spaces - Quinn Taylor   PDF

Vol. 8, No. 3 (May 2023)

Editor's Introduction and Front Pages - Hank Herren   PDF

Navigating Accountability in Swamped Fields: Why Texas Needs Uniform Regulation for Well Collision Liability - Iliana Martinez   PDF

Life After Sixty: Subsequent License Renewals and Criticisms of N.R.C. Licensing - Cameron Tarry Hughes   PDF

Evolving Trends in Production Sharing Agreements & Cost Recovery Systems -Eduardo G. Pereira, Reg Fowler, Thomas Stephens, Alicia Elias-Roberts, André Lemos, Wan Mohd Zulhafiz Wan Zahari, Reyhan Kamil, and Nurzhan Kakimov   PDF

Recent Case Decisions   PDF

Vol. 8, No. 2 (December 2022)

The 2022 Survey on Oil & Gas

Editor's Introduction and Front Pages - Hank Herren   PDF

Alaska - Steven A. Rhodes & Zachary H. Barrett   PDF

Arkansas - Andreah Riedel   PDF

Colorado - Diana S. Prulhiere & David R. Little   PDF

Illinois - Joseph Negaard   PDF

Kansas - Steven A. Rhodes & Sarah Trainer    PDF

Kentucky - Gary Holland   PDF

Louisiana - Andreah Riedel   PDF

Maryland - Tia L. Churchfield   PDF

Michigan - M. Vafa Barissi & Delainey Banks   PDF

Missouri - Douglas J. Crouse   PDF

Montana - Amanda J. Dick   PDF

Nebraska - Sarah Trainer   PDF

Nevada - Kevin Hivick   PDF

New Mexico - Blake C. Jones   PDF

New York - Delainey Banks   PDF

North Dakota - William J. Black   PDF

Ohio - Tim McKeen & Melissa Grimes   PDF

Oklahoma - Matt Schlensker & Sandra Fraley   PDF

Pennsylvania - Nathaniel I. Holland, Jon C. Beckman & Benedict J. Kirchner   PDF

Tennessee - Westley A. Ketron   PDF

Texas - Melissa Munson   PDF

Utah - Alan M. White   PDF

Virginia - Zachary H.  Barrett   PDF

West Virginia - Andrew S. Graham   PDF

Wyoming - John R. Chadd   PDF

Sovereign Lands - Brent D. Chicken & Amanda J. Dick   PDF

Vol. 8, No. 1 (September 2022)

Editor's Introduction and Front Pages - Hank Herren   PDF

Refining Terms for Small Refineries: The Extension of Hardship Through Statutory
- Kylen Chase Huffman   PDF

Pigford v. Glickman and the Remnants of Racism - Alyssa Sloan   PDF

Recent Developments in Oil and Gas Habendum Clause and Savings Clause Interpretation - Emily Richard   PDF

Burdened, but Not Burdened Enough: A Long-Term Solution to the Difficulties Posed by Religious Objections to Resource Development - Nathan Downey   PDF

To Kill a Mockingbird: A Look into the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and Its Application to Unintentional Takings - Ben Davis   PDF

Companies Can Condemn Whose Property? A Discussion of PennEast Pipeline Co., LLC v. New Jersey - Emma Farha   PDF

Climate Torts Belong in a Number of Hands: Loosening the Federal Grip of Preemption, Administrative Control, and Dilatory Procedure - Hank Herren   PDF

Sovereign Immunity, Entrenched Power, and Isolationism: How to Hold ERCOT Accountable to Texas Residents in the Aftermath of the February 2021 Winter Storm - Meghan A. Brobst   PDF

Tort Theory, Litigation & Avenues for Relief: Hydraulic Fracturing in Oklahoma - Madeleine Lange   PDF

Millionaires and the Ability to Receive Overtime Compensation - Matt Peace   PDF

Everything Is Not What It Seems, and What It Is, Is Broken: Re-Defining Production in the Oil and Gas Lease Habendum Clause - Fisher Lynn Fulton   PDF

Vol. 7, No. 4 (August 2022)

Editor's Introduction and Front Pages - Piper Hampton   PDF

Cross-Jurisdiction Unitization Agreements: A Legal Solution to the Issue of Cross- Jurisdiction Petroleum Reserves Between Iran and Iraq - Nawzad Mirali Yasin   PDF

Analysis: The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 - Michael Atkins   PDF

Houston, We Have a Market Design Problem: Why the Legislative Response to Winter Storm Uri Does Not Yet Develop a More Efficient Market Mechanism to Ensure Reliability - Jillian Marie Borreson   PDF

Batteries + Storage: The Implications of Integrating a Battery Energy Storage System into Renewable Energy Power Purchase Agreements - Amandeep Kaur   PDF

Opening the Underground Floodgates: Mississippi v. Tennessee and the Doctrine of Equitable Apportionment - Patric J. Friend   PDF

Vol. 7, No. 3 (March 2022)

Editor's Introduction and Front Pages - Piper Hampton   PDF

Production in Paying Quantities in Oklahoma in the Twenty-First Century - Raymond B. (“Ray”) Roush   PDF

Cutting the Aegean Gordian Knot: A Pathway to Harness the Petroleum Resources Lying Within the Aegean Seabed - Costas S. Michail   PDF

County of Maui v. Hawaii Wildlife Fund and Its Impact on Clean Water Act Jurisprudence - Sydney Bale   PDF

Recent Case Decisions   PDF

Vol. 7, No. 2 (December 2021)

The 2021 Survey on Oil & Gas

Editor's Introduction and Front Pages - Piper Hampton   PDF

Alaska - Steven A. Rhodes & Zachary H. Barrett   PDF

Arkansas - Andreah Riedel   PDF

Colorado - Diana S. Prulhiere & David R. Little   PDF

Illinois - Joseph Negaard   PDF

Kansas - Steven A. Rhodes & Sarah Trainer    PDF

Kentucky - Gary Holland   PDF

Louisiana - Garrett Korbitz   PDF

Maryland - Tia L. Churchfield   PDF

Michigan - M. Vafa Barissi   PDF

Missouri - Douglas J. Crouse   PDF

Montana - Amanda J. Dick   PDF

Nebraska - Sarah Trainer   PDF

Nevada - Diana S. Prulhiere   PDF

New Mexico - Kacie Bevers & Blake Jones   PDF

New York - Nathaniel I. Holland & Benedict J. Kirchner   PDF

North Dakota - William J. Black   PDF

Ohio - Tim McKeen & Melissa Grimes   PDF

Oklahoma - Matt Schlensker & Sandra Fraley   PDF

Pennsylvania - Nathaniel I. Holland, Jon C. Beckman & Benedict J. Kirchner   PDF

Tennessee - Westley A. Ketron   PDF

Texas - Don Hueske   PDF

Utah - Jim Tartaglia   PDF

Virginia - Zachary H.  Barrett   PDF

West Virginia - Andrew Graham   PDF

Wyoming - John R. Chadd   PDF

Sovereign Lands - Brent D. Chicken & Amanda J. Dick   PDF

Vol. 7, No. 1 (August 2021)

Editor's Introduction and Front Pages - Piper Hampton   PDF

The Impact of RCRA and McGirt on Tribal Solid Waste Regulations - Jonathan W. Reiswig   PDF

Case Note on Citgo Asphalt Refining Co. v. Frescati Shipping Co., 140 S. Ct. 1081 (2020) - Yuanyuan Zhang   PDF

Are You In or Are You Out? An International Comparison of Nuclear Integration or Discontinuation - Tyler Self   PDF

That T-Rex Is Mine! A Note on the Montana Supreme Court Decision Murray v. BEJ Minerals, LLC - Bryce Hayden   PDF

The Birds, the Bees, and Equitable Relief: Limitations and Restrictions on Judicial Relief Under NEPA, Through the Lens of Lakes and Parks All. of Minneapolis v. Fed. Transit Admin., 928 F.3d 759 (8th Cir. 2019) - Wesley B. Hazen   PDF

Finding Our New Normal: Reevaluating Force Majeure Within Oil and Gas Contracts in the Wake of COVID-19 - Piper Hampton   PDF

Stop Pushing People into the Pool: How Oklahoma’s Forced Pooling Laws Can Better Resemble an Open Market - Kale Hajek   PDF

PURPA: Bastion, Bridge, or Bygone? Constitutional and Consumer-Generator Considerations - Lauren Watson   PDF

The State of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in Oklahoma: The Oil and Gas Industry Moving Forward Post McGirt/Murphy - Kallen Burton Snodgrass   PDF

Vol. 6, No. 4 (May 2021)

Editor's Introduction and Front Pages - Jake Ware   PDF

Hardin’s ‘Tragedy of the Commons’: Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Environmental Protection: Moving Towards an Emerging Norm of Indigenous Rights Protection? - Sascha Dov Bachmann & Ikechukwu P. Ugwu   PDF

Petróleos Mexicanos: A Victim of Mexican Politics - Carlos Cohen-Leon   PDF

The Obstacle: A Proposal for a Universal Standard to Determine Those Acts or Events That Sufficiently Rise to the Level of an Obstacle Suspending Prescription of Non-Use for a Mineral Servitude Owner Under Louisiana Mineral Code Article 59 - Eric R. Harper   PDF

How Can the United States Learn from Foreign Countries’ Transport and Use of Renewable Power? - Kristin M. Hecker   PDF

In the ‘Era of Might and Happiness’, Will the Trans-Caspian Pipeline Project Be Built? - Tiffany O’Keefe   PDF

Recent Case Decisions   PDF

Vol. 6, No. 3 (January 2021)

Editor's Introduction and Front Pages - Jake Ware   PDF

A Tribute to Nawzad Yasin and Others: Part 1: Nawzad - Owen L. Anderson   PDF

A Tribute to Nawzad Yasin And Others: Part 2: Others - Owen L. Anderson   PDF

Book Review: Eureka! A Petroleum Transactions Guide That Delivers (review of International Petroleum Law and Transactions by Owen Anderson et al.) - Norman Nadorff   PDF

Updated Guidance on Consent-to-Assign Provisions in Texas Oil and Gas Leases - Jason E. Wright   PDF

Brazilian Gas Market and Its Regulatory Overview - Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros Costa, Karina Ninni Ramos, Israel Lacerda de Araujo, Paola Mercadante Petry, Owen Anderson, and Edmilson Moutinho dos Santos   PDF

Intellectual Property and the Law of Fracking Fluid Disclosures: Tensions and Trends - Cody B. Johnson   PDF

Yours, Mine, Our Water: Where Correlative Rights End and Taking Begins Following Texas House Bill 3246 - Charles P. Hosey   PDF

Recent Case Decisions   PDF

Vol. 6, No. 2 (October 2020)

The 2020 Survey on Oil & Gas

Editor's Introduction and Front Pages - Jake Ware   PDF

Alaska - Steven A. Rhodes & Zachary H. Barrett   PDF

Arkansas - Andreah Frenn   PDF

Colorado - Diana S. Prulhiere & David R. Little   PDF

Illinois - Nash Bowen   PDF

Kansas - Steven Rhodes & Sarah Trainer    PDF

Kentucky - Gary Holland   PDF

Louisiana - Garrett Korbitz   PDF

Maryland - Tia L. Churchfield   PDF

Michigan - M. Vafa Barissi   PDF

Missouri - Heather Graham   PDF

Montana - Tom Sengewalt & Brent D. Chicken   PDF

Nebraska - Sarah Trainer   PDF

Nevada - Diana S. Prulhiere   PDF

New Mexico - Kacie Bevers and & Jones   PDF

New York - Nathaniel I. Holland & Benedict J. Kirchner   PDF

North Dakota - William J. Black   PDF

Ohio - Tim McKeen & Melissa Grimes   PDF

Oklahoma - Matt Schlensker & Sandy Fraley   PDF

Pennsylvania - Nathaniel I. Holland & Jon C. Beckman   PDF

Tennessee - Westley A. Ketron   PDF

Texas - Don Hueske   PDF

Utah - Jim Tartaglia   PDF

Virginia - Zachary H.  Barrett   PDF

West Virginia - Andrew Graham   PDF

Wyoming - John R. Chadd   PDF

Sovereign Lands - Brent D. Chicken & Amanda J. Dick   PDF

Recent Case Decisions   PDF

Vol. 6, No. 1 (August 2020)

Editor's Introduction and Front Pages - Jake Ware   PDF

Necessity or Overreach? Weighing the Costs and Benefits of State Law Interpretation in Oil and Gas Bankruptcy Cases - Laura N. Coordes   PDF

Host Granting Instrument Models: Why Do They Matter and for Whom - Eduardo Guedes Pereira, Cătălin-Gabriel Stănescu, Wan Mohd Zulhafiz, Felipe Rodrigues Caldas Feres, Waniss Almashri Otman, Yanal Abul Failat & Aaron Koenck   PDF

Recent Case Decisions   PDF

Vol. 5, No. 4 (April 2020)

Editor's Introduction and Front Pages - Veronica Threadgill   PDF

The Battle for Oil: Fighting Through Corruption & Changing Socio-Economic Landscapes to Win over Africa’s Biggest Giants - Modupe Adamolekun   PDF

Parker Drilling Mgmt. Servs., Ltd. v. Newton: Drilling Down on the Law of the Outer Continental Shelf - William Dakil   PDF

Budding Marijuana Industry Meets Climate & Environmental Crisis: A Call to Legislative Action - Spencer Gill   PDF

Identifying the Pillars of a Pro-Solar Energy Policy: A Multi-State Survey of Distributed Solar Energy Generation Laws - Samuel Moore   PDF

Balkanization in Oil and Gas: How Home Rule Constitutional Provisions Disrupt State Law - Dan Ray   PDF

Can You Dig It? A Note on the U.S. Supreme Court’s Atomic Energy Act Preemption Decision in Virginia Uranium, Inc. v. Warren - John Shelden   PDF

Contractual Interpretations, Ambiguities, and Litigation Difficulties Presented in the Context of Oil and Gas Leases as a Result of the Texas Supreme Court’s Decision in Murphy Exploration & Prod. Co.-USA v. Adams, 560 S.W.3d 105 (Tex. 2018) - Jake B. Ware   PDF

Recent Case Decisions   PDF

Vol. 5, No. 3 (January 2020)

Editor's Introduction and Front Pages - Veronica Threadgill   PDF

Breaking Joint Venture Agreement Deadlocks: Before the Texas Shoot-Out, Try a Texas Shout-Out - Norman Nadorff & Quinncy McNeal   PDF

A Regulating and Watchful Law: Oil and Gas Conservation Law & the North Dakota Industrial Commission - Grayson P. Walker   PDF

Watering the Forest for the Trees: An Examination of Basin Groundwater Use and Management in Energy Producing States - Kimberly A. Wurtz   PDF

A Framework for Responsible Solar Panel Waste Management in the United States - Meghan McElligott   PDF

The AAPL Form JOA and Non-Paying Participants—“Mr. Green Leisure Suit” Revisited - Paul G. Yale   PDF

Recent Case Decisions   PDF

Vol. 5, No. 2 (September 2019)

The 2019 Survey on Oil & Gas

Editor's Introduction and Front Pages - Veronica Threadgill   PDF

Alaska - Steven A. Rhodes & Zachary H. Barrett   PDF

Arkansas - Andreah Frenn   PDF

Colorado - David R. Little & Diana S. Prulhiere   PDF

Illinois - Justin Fisher   PDF

Kansas - Sarah Trainer    PDF

Kentucky - Gary Holland & Blake Humphrey   PDF

Louisiana - Blake Jones   PDF

Maryland - Tia L. Churchfield   PDF

Michigan - M. Vafa Barissi   PDF

Missouri - Heather Graham   PDF

Montana - Melissa J. Lyon & Brent D. Chicken   PDF

Nebraska - Sarah Trainer   PDF

Nevada - Diana S. Prulhiere & Rachael H. Smith   PDF

New Mexico - Garrett L. Korbitz   PDF

New York - Nathaniel I. Holland   PDF

North Dakota - William J. Black   PDF

Ohio - Timothy M. McKeen & Melissa S. Grimes   PDF

Oklahoma - Matt Schlensker and Justin Fisher   PDF

Pennsylvania - Nathaniel I. Holland & Jon C. Beckman   PDF

Sovereign Lands - Brent D. Chicken & Amanda J. Dick   PDF

Tennessee - Westley A. Ketron   PDF

Texas - Don Hueske & Garrett Korbitz   PDF

Utah - Jim Tartaglia   PDF

Virginia - Zachary H.  Barrett   PDF

West Virginia - Andrew Graham   PDF

Wyoming - John R. Chadd   PDF

Empowered: Bringing Energy Efficiency into Low-Income Homes - Elizabeth Beatty & Abbey Hawthorne   PDF

Recent Case Decisions   PDF

Vol. 5, No. 1 (June 2019)

Editor's Introduction and Front Pages - Veronica Threadgill   PDF

Energy Litigation Update 2018 - Mark D. Christiansen   PDF

A Purchase or a Loan? Rethinking the Transactions Private Equity-Backed Oil and Gas Companies Encounter in Uncharted Waters - Daniel Tavera   PDF

Recent Case Decisions   PDF

Vol. 4, No. 6 (March 2019)

Editor's Introduction and Front Pages - Collin McCarthy  PDF

Cybersecurity and Offshore Oil: The Next Big Threat - Jamie Crandal   PDF

The Vicissitudes of Life: Meier v. Chesapeake Operating - Kelsee Kephart   PDF

There Will Be Blood: The New Rules of Oklahoma Oil and Gas Civil Liability - Hunter W. Mattocks   PDF

Give Me Disproportionate Economic Hardship or Give Me Death: The Application of Administrative Review to the Renewable Fuel Standard – Sinclair Wyoming Refining Co. v. EPA - Andrew Rasbold   PDF

Gaping Hole: Darning International Corporate Liability for Environmental Disasters and Human Rights - Veronica Threadgill   PDF

Recent Case Decisions   PDF

Vol. 4, No. 5 (January 2019)

Editor's Introduction - Collin McCarthy  PDF

Curative Pooling When the Validity of an Oil and Gas Lease Is Challenged (Force Pooling the Top Lessee) - Matt Allen   PDF

Local Content Policies in the Petroleum Industry: Lessons Learned - Eduardo G. Pereira, Christopher Mathews & Heike Trischmann   PDF

Recent Case Decisions   PDF

Vol. 4, No. 4 (November 2018)

Editor's Introduction - Collin McCarthy  PDF

Turning the Tide in Coastal and Riverine Energy Infrastructure Adaptation: Can An Emerging Wave of Litigation Advance Preparation for Climate Change? - Dena Adler   PDF

Pennsylvania Gas: Trusts, Takings, and Judicial Temperaments - Joshua Ulan Galperin   PDF

The State of the US Energy Sector - Joshua D. Rhodes, PhD   PDF

Uniting Energy and Environmental Law: Focus on Innovation, Creativity, and Economics - Inara Scott   PDF

Recent Case Decisions   PDF

Vol. 4, No. 3 (September 2018)

The 2018 Survey on Oil & Gas

Editor's Introduction - Collin McCarthy   PDF

Alaska - Steven A. Rhodes, Zachary H. Barrett & Sierra Williams   PDF

Arkansas - Kelli D. Smith   PDF

Colorado - Diana S. Prulhiere & David R. Little   PDF

Illinois - Justin Fisher   PDF

Kansas - Sarah Trainer and Steven A. Rhodes   PDF

Kentucky - Gary Holland & Nash Bowen   PDF

Louisiana - Rachel Briley   PDF

Maryland - Davin L. Seamon   PDF

Michigan - M. Vafa Barissi   PDF

Missouri - Heather Graham   PDF

Montana - Heather Graham   PDF

Nebraska - Ashley Howie Tallichet   PDF

Nevada - Kacie M. Bevers   PDF

New York - Nathaniel I. Holland   PDF

North Dakota - William J. Black   PDF

Ohio - Timothy M. McKeen & Melissa S. Grimes   PDF

Oklahoma - Matt Schlensker and Justin Fisher   PDF

Pennsylvania - Nathaniel I. Holland, Jon C. Beckman & Benedict J. Kirchner   PDF

Tennessee - Westley A. Ketron   PDF

Texas - Don Hueske & Ashley Howie Tallichet   PDF

Utah - Jim Tartaglia   PDF

Virginia - Zachary H. Barrett & Sierra Williams   PDF

West Virginia - Andrew Graham   PDF

Wyoming - John R. Chadd   PDF

Sovereign Lands - Melissa Dixon   PDF

Recent Case Decisions   PDF

Vol. 4, No. 2 (July 2018)

Editor's Introduction - Collin McCarthy  PDF

Legal Developments in 2017 Affecting the Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Industry ­- Mark D. Christiansen, Editor   PDF

Recent Case Decisions   PDF

Vol. 4, No. 1 (May 2018)

Editor's Introduction - Collin McCarthy   PDF

What Does English Law Say About . . . . . . . .? And the Winner Is: Book Review of Petroleum Contracts: English Law and Practice by Peter Roberts - Norman Nadorff   PDF

Tilting at Windmills: Reconciling Military Needs and Wind Energy Initiatives in the 21st Century - Dillon Hollingsworh   PDF

One Man’s Trash Is His Community’s Treasure: Ownership and Uses of Produced Brine - Stephan Owings   PDF

United States v. Osage Wind, LLC: Wind Energy Being Blown Away by New Rules? - Morgen Potts   PDF

Subject to Uncertainty: A Case of Ignored Intent – Wenske v. Ealy - Kaleb R. Smith   PDF

Federal Income Tax Structures for Business Entities: A Comparison of the Oil and Gas Industry and the Solar Energy Industry - Jordan Wybrant   PDF

Recent Case Decisions   PDF

Vol. 3, No. 6 (March 2018)

Editor's Introduction - Mason W. Smith   PDF

The Death of the Joint Venture Exemption in Oil and Gas Securities Regulation - Megan Conner   PDF

Oil States Energy Services v. Greene’s Energy Group: The Future of Inter Partes Review and Its Impact on the Energy Sector - Megan Douglah   PDF

Quaking in Their Boots: Oklahoma Landowners and Regulators Left with an Uncertain Future After Murr v. Wisconsin - Collin McCarthy   PDF

Frac Sand, Hydraulic Fracturing, and Implied Covenants: The Potential for Liability - Slate Olmstead   PDF

Interpreting the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90) as Inapplicable to the Natural Gas Industry and Deepwater LNG Ports - Patrick R. Pennella   PDF

Murr v. Wisconsin: A Necessary Evil? - Sha’Kera Trimble   PDF

Neil Gorsuch: On Energy and Environmental Law - Benjamin Warden   PDF

Recent Case Decisions   PDF

Vol. 3, No. 5 (January 2018)

Editor's Introduction - Mason W. Smith   PDF

Update on Oklahoma Oil and Gas Royalty Litigation - Pamela S. Anderson   PDF

From the Drake Well to the Santa Rita #1: The History of the U.S. Permian Basin: A Miracle of Technological Innovation - Joseph R. Dancy   PDF

Recent Case Decisions   PDF

Vol. 3, No. 4 (November 2017)

Editor's Introduction - Mason W. Smith   PDF

European Energy Security, American LNG, and the Global Natural Gas Marketplace - Dr. Christopher S. Kulander   PDF

Siting Carbon Dioxide Pipelines - Tara K. Righetti   PDF

A Reexamination and Reformulation of the Habendum Clause Paying Quantities Standard Under Oil and Gas Leases - Alex Ritchie   PDF

Recent Case Decisions   PDF

Vol. 3, No. 3 (September 2017)

The 2017 Survey on Oil & Gas

Editor's Introduction - Mason W. Smith  PDF

Alaska - Steven A. Rhodes and Zachary H. Barrett  PDF

Arkansas - Kelli D. Smith  PDF

Colorado - Diana S. Prulhiere, David R. Little, and Casey C.
Breese  PDF

Illinois - Justin Fisher  PDF

Kansas - Sarah Trainer and Steven A. Rhodes  PDF

Kentucky - Sarah M. Lange  PDF

Louisiana - Rachel Cummings  PDF

Maryland - Davin L. Seamon  PDF

Michigan - M. Vafa Barissi  PDF

Missouri - Heather Gale Graham  PDF

Montana - Jessica E. McDonald  PDF

Nebraska - Ashley Howie Tallichet  PDF

Nevada - Kacie M. Bevers  PDF

New Mexico - Zach Gaver  PDF

New York - Nathaniel I. Holland and Benedict J. Kirchner  PDF

North Dakota - William J. Black  PDF

Ohio - Melissa Grimes, Eli Humphries, Tim McKeen, and Andreah
Frenn  PDF

Oklahoma - Matt Schlensker and Justin Fisher  PDF

Pennsylvania - Nathaniel I. Holland, Jon C. Beckman, Benedict J.
Kirchner, and Sarah Quinn  PDF

Tennessee - Gary D. Holland and Westley A. Ketron  PDF

Texas - Don Hueske and Melissa Munson  PDF

Utah - Jim Tartaglia  PDF

Virginia - Zachary H. Barrett  PDF

West Virginia - Andrew Graham  PDF

Wyoming - John R. Chadd  PDF

Sovereign Lands - Melissa Stewart  PDF

Vol. 3, No. 2 (July 2017)

A Collection of Archived Works from the Deans of Oil and Gas Law

Editor's Introduction - Mason W. Smith  PDF

Shale Gas Revolution or Evolution: Opportunities and Challenges for Europe [reprint, first published 2013] - Owen L. Anderson  PDF

The Sisyphean Task of Interpreting Mineral Deeds and Leases: An Encyclopedia of Canons of Construction [reprint, first published 1993] - Bruce M. Kramer  PDF

Analyzing Oil and Gas Farmout Agreements [reprint, first published 1987] - John S. Lowe  PDF

A Modern Look at Implied Covenants to Explore, Develop, and Market Under Mineral Leases [reprint, first published 1976] - Patrick H. Martin  PDF

Pitfalls in Developing Lands Burdened by Non-Participating Royalty: Calculating the Royalty Share and Coexisting with the Duty Owed to the Non-Participating Royalty Owner by the Executive Interest [reprint, first published 1995] - Phillip E. Norvell  PDF

Overlapping Remedies and the Unexpected Termination of Oil and Gas Leases [reprint, first published 2011] - David R. Percy, QC and David McGillivray  PDF

The Renaissance of Law in the Law of Oil and Gas: The Contract Dimension [reprint, first published 2004] - David E. Pierce  PDF

Applying Familiar Concepts to New Technology: Under the Traditional Oil and Gas Lease, a Lessee Does Not Need Pooling Authority to Drill a Horizontal Well That Crosses Lease Lines [reprint, first published 2017] - Ernest E. Smith  PDF

Recent Case Decisions  PDF