Enabling you to research the law is the heart of the law library's mission. The Law Library provides access to important legal databases, including Westlaw, Lexis+, Bloomberg Law, HeinOnline, Wolters Kluwer and many others. The library collection contains an array of resources to help the researcher such as e-books, print materials, databases, a video collection and more. You can explore the resources by searching the catalog or using one of our resource guides. If you need help, please contact the reference librarians.


Other Catalogs
Other Catalogs
- Search OU Health Sciences Library Catalog
- Search WorldCat - a catalog of more than 50,000 academic law libraries world-wide
Can't find what you need in the library stacks?
Be sure to check the Law Library Reserve Collection which is located behind the Circulation Desk. The Reserve Collection includes course materials that professors have put on reserve (i.e., books, photocopies and journals) and items in high demand such as study aids, hornbooks, restatements and nutshells. Library Reserves holdings are accessible through the catalog.