NORMAN, OKLA – University of Oklahoma Law graduates continue to set the bar when it comes to passing the bar exam.
Recently released bar passage results from the Oklahoma Board of Bar Examiners show that OU graduates pass the bar at a rate 20% higher than the state average. The results of the July 25, 2023 bar exam showed that 88% of OU graduates passed the bar compared to 68% for the state as a whole.
“We are so thrilled to be able to celebrate the successes of our students,” said Katheleen Guzman, dean of the OU College of Law. “This is the goal of dedicated faculty and staff at the College of Law. We want our students to be prepared to enter the field of law and we are proud of the rigorous and affordable legal education we provide.”
Graduates from the University of Oklahoma regularly take the top spot in bar passage rates, leading the state for more than 20 years and regularly ranking in the top 20% nationally.