Vol. 48, No. 2 (2023-2024)

American Indian Law Review Cover

Front Pages   PDF


How Poor Is Poor Enough? How Jurisdictional Differences in Implementing the Right to Counsel Affect Indigent Native Americans - J. Santana Spangler-Day   PDF

Benefit Corporations—A Tool for Economic Development and Fostering Sovereignty in Tribal Business Structures - Madelynn M. Dancer   PDF


The Amplified Federal Obligation: Why Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization Amplifies the Federal Government’s Obligation to Provide Comprehensive Reproductive Health Care in Native American Communities - Rebecca M. Kamp   PDF

Oklahoma v. Castro-Huerta—Using Sentencing Inequities to Address the Oliphant in the Room - Dillon M. Sullivan   PDF

Special Feature

A Tribal Court Blueprint for the Choctaw Freedmen: Effect of Cherokee Nation v. Nash - LeeAnn Littlejohn   PDF

Vol. 48, No. 1 (2023-2024)

Front Pages   PDF


The Split from Precedent: An Analysis of the Negative Impact Oklahoma v. Castro-Huerta Will Have in Indian Country - Meg A. Bloom   PDF


The Indian Child Welfare Act, Political Classification of “Indians,” and Preservation of Tribal Sovereignty: Children, the Most Precious Resource - Rachel Yost   PDF

Oklahoma v. Castro-Huerta: Oklahoma’s Latest Power Grab and Its Implications for Native Women in a Post-Roe World - Camryn A. Conroy   PDF

A Note on Navajo Nation v. Urban Outfitters, Inc. - Brantly J. Stockton   PDF

Special Features

Unprincipled Preemption: Why the Supreme Court Was Wrong in Oklahoma v. Castro-Huerta to Abandon Exclusive Federal Jurisdiction over Crimes by Non-Indians Against Indians in Indian Country - Eric Ramoutar   PDF

Removing the Stain Without Undermining Military Awards: Revoking Medals Earned at Wounded Knee Creek in 1890 - Dwight S. Mears   PDF

Vol. 47, No. 2 (2022-2023)

Front Pages   PDF


The Winding Trail: A Look at Non-Linear Temporality in Literary Works in Response to the Issue of Sovereignty - Gabrielle Jones   PDF

Pachamama over People and Profit: A Case for Indigenous Ecology and Environmental Personhood - Hilda Loury   PDF

The Administration of Injustice: The Conflict Between Federal and Tribal Criminal Jurisdiction - Grace Slaff   PDF

Indian Country’s Continued Struggle with the Opioid Crisis: Focused Problem Areas, the Federal Government’s Response, and What More Can Be Done - AshLynn M. Wilkerson   PDF

Special Feature

Winner, Best Appellate Brief in the 2023 Native American Law Student Association Moot Court Competition - Noah Goldenberg & Clayton Kinsey   PDF

Vol. 47, No. 1 (2022-2023)

Front Pages   PDF


The Impact of Climate Change on the Cultural Identity of Indigenous Peoples and the Nation’s First “Climate Refugees” - Jordan K. Medaris   PDF

Indigenous Boarding Schools in the United States and Canada: Potential Issues and Opportunities for Redress as the United States Government Initiates Formal Investigation - Keiteyana I. Parks   PDF


State ex rel. Matloff v. Wallace: Reversing Course on Subject Matter Jurisdiction - Andrew Case   PDF

Cooley’s Hidden Ramifications: Has the Supreme Court Extended the Terry Doctrine for Automobile Searches to the Point of Eliminating Probable Cause? - Thomas G. Hamilton   PDF

Special Features

“The Center Cannot Hold”: Nation and Narration in American Indian Law - Chantelle van Wiltenburg   PDF

Winner, Best Appellate Brief in the 2022 Native American Law Student Association Moot Court Competition - Daniel Ahrens & Case Nieboer   PDF

Vol. 46, No. 2 (2021-2022)

Two Giants of Indian Law: Remembering Rennard Strickland and C. Steven Hager

Front Pages   PDF

Introductory Letter of the Editorial Boards   PDF

OUNALSA Remembers Professors Strickland and Hager - Ryan Sailors   PDF

Part One: Rennard Strickland

Biography: Rennard Strickland   PDF

Reprint: American Indian Law and the Spirit World - Rennard Strickland   PDF

Rennard Leaves Us Words of Thunder - Bill Piatt   PDF

A Legacy That Sustains – Dean and Professor Rennard Strickland - Carole Goldberg   PDF

Rennard Strickland: Legal Historian and Leader - Charles Wilkinson   PDF

Rennard Strickland Helped Shape a Young Law School - Sheila Simon   PDF

Rennard Strickland – A Remembrance - Lawrence K. Hellman   PDF

Strickland and the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art - Hadley Jerman, PhD   PDF

Rennard Strickland: A Legacy of Generosity - Darla W. Jackson   PDF

Professor Strickland - Joseph Harroz, Jr.   PDF

Rennard Strickland: Living Without Notes - Katheleen Guzman   PDF

Part Two: C. Steven Hager

Biography: C. Steven Hager   PDF

Reprint: The Rule of Law: McGirt v. Oklahoma and the Recognition of the Muscogee (Creek) Reservation - C. Steven Hager   PDF

Tributes to Steve Hager - Kace Rodwell, Michael Colbert Smith & Stephanie Hudson   PDF

Vol. 46, No. 1 (2021-2022)

Front Pages   PDF


Belated Justice: The Failures and Promise of the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act - Troy J.H. Andrade   PDF


Learning from Hobby Lobby’s Misdeeds: Crafting New International Due Diligence Standards for Human Rights and Cultural Heritage - Taryn Chubb   PDF

Missing and Murdered: Finding a Solution to Address the Epidemic of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women in Canada and Classifying It as a “Canadian Genocide” - Melanie McGruder   PDF


The Mess That Has Become Indian Gaming in Oklahoma - Lucas Meacham   PDF

A Case for Deference in American Indian Health Law - Ashley Murphy   PDF

Special Feature

Meeting the McGirt Moment: The Five Tribes, Sovereignty & Criminal Jurisdiction in Oklahoma’s New Indian Country - Adam Goodrum   PDF

Vol. 45, No. 2 (2020-2021)

Front Pages   PDF


The Tribal Right to Exclude Others from Indian-Owned Lands - Alex Tallchief Skibine   PDF


Impact of the Coronavirus and Federal Responses on Indigenous Peoples’ Health, Security, and Sovereignty - Libby Smith   PDF

The Continued Persecution of the Kurdish People in Turkey - James L. Crawford   PDF


State v. Nobles: Chance to Settle Needless Jurisdictional Turbulence - Kaylee Snyder   PDF

The Supreme Court of Washington’s Broad Interpretation of the “Reason To Know” Standard in In Re Dependency of Z.J.G. and Why a Uniform, Broad Interpretation of the Standard Will Lead to Better Outcomes - Dylan Hartsook   PDF

Special Feature

Winner, Best Appellate Brief in the 2021 Native American Law Student Association Moot Court Competition - Eric Rolston & Polina Noskova   PDF

Vol. 45, No. 1 (2020-2021)

Front Pages   PDF


ICWA’s Irony - Marcia Zug   PDF


The Secretary of the Interior Has the Authority to Take Land into Trust for Federally Recognized Alaska Tribes - Meghan O’Connor   PDF

“The Desert Is Our Home” - Kayla Molina   PDF


Coeur D’alene Tribe v. Hawks: Why Federal Courts Have the Power to Recognize and Enforce Tribal Court Judgments Against Nonmembers “Because of the Federal Government’s Unique Relationship with Indian Tribes” - Heath Albert   PDF

The Disproportionate Effect on Native American Women of Extending the Federal Involuntary Manslaughter Act to Include a Woman’s Conduct Against Her Child in Utero: United States v. Flute - Andie B. Netherland   PDF

Special Feature

Mirrored Harms: Unintended Consequences in the Grant of Tribal Court Jurisdiction over Non-Indian Abusers - Jonathan Riedel   PDF

Vol. 44, No. 2 (2019-2020)

Front Pages   PDF


The Court of Indian Appeals: America’s Forgotten Federal Appellate Court - Chief Judge Gregory D. Smith & Bailee L. Plemmons   PDF

Tribal Remedies, Exhaustion, and State Courts - Pete Heidepriem   PDF


“Thus in the Beginning All the World Was America”: The Effects of Anti-Protest Legislation and an American Conquest Culture in Native Sacred Sites Cases - Elizabeth Hampton   PDF

The Cultural Property Conundrum: The Case for a Nationalistic Approach and Repatriation of the Moai to the Rapa Nui - Annie Rischard Davis   PDF

Cooking Food Customs in the Pot of Self-Governance: How Food Sovereignty Is a Necessary Ingredient of Tribal Sovereignty - Kate Ricart   PDF


Analyzing the Implications of the Supreme Court’s Holding in Herrera v. Wyoming - Andrew Rader   PDF

Special Feature

Winner, Best Appellate Brief in the 2020 Native American Law Student Association Moot Court Competition - Emily Dennan & Emily McEvoy   PDF

Vol. 44, No. 1 (2019-2020)

Front Pages   PDF


How the New Deal Became a Raw Deal for Indian Nations: Justice Stanley Reed and the Tee-Hit-Ton Decision on Indian Title - Kent McNeil   PDF


Keeping Cultural Bias Out of the Courtroom: How ICWA “Qualified Expert Witnesses” Make a Difference - Elizabeth Low   PDF

Being Uighur . . . with “Chinese Characteristics”: Analyzing China’s Legal Crusade Against Uighur Identity - Brennan Davis   PDF


United States v. Bryant: The Results of Upholding Women’s Rights and Tribal Sovereignty - Madalynn Martin   PDF

What Are the Odds? The Potential for Tribal Control of Sports Gambling After Murphy v. NCAA - Haley Maynard   PDF

Special Feature

Thickening the Thin Blue Line in Indian Country: Affirming Tribal Authority to Arrest Non-Indians - Alex Treiger   PDF

Vol. 43, No. 2 (2018-2019)

Front Pages   PDF


California Indian Tribes and the Marine Life Protection Act: The Seeds of a Partnership to Preserve Natural Resources - Curtis G. Berkey & Scott W. Williams   PDF


The Opioid Crisis in Indian Country: The Impact of Tribal Jurisdiction and the Role of the Exhaustion Doctrine - Matt Irby   PDF


Internet Gaming On & Off Tribal Lands - Logan Blackmore   PDF

Digging Deeper to Protect Tribal Property Interests: United States v. Osage Wind, LLC - Allison B. Christian   PDF

Overlooking Canon: How the Alabama Supreme Court Used a Footnote to Disregard Tribal Sovereign Immunity in Wilkes v. PCI Gaming Authority - Ridge Howell   PDF

“Perhaps Congress Would, Perhaps Congress Should”—Why Match-E-Be-Nash-She-Wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians v. Patchak and Carcieri v. Salazar Must Be Legislatively Overridden to Protect the IRA Trust Acquisition Authority - Kendall McCoy   PDF

Special Feature

Winner, Best Appellate Brief in the 2019 Native American Law Student Association Moot Court Competition - Chelsea Minuche & Claire Postman   PDF

Vol. 43, No. 1 (2018-2019)

Front Pages   PDF


Traditional Jurisprudence and Protection of Our Society: A Jurisgenerative Tail - Gregory H. Bigler   PDF

Trust Lands for the Native Hawaiian Nation: Lessons from Federal Indian Law Precedents - Lane Kaiwi Opulauoho   PDF


Indigenous Peoples, the International Trend Toward Legal Personhood for Nature, and the United States - Hannah White   PDF

Foundations of Sand: Justice Thomas’s Critique of the Indian Plenary Power Doctrine - Taylor Ledford   PDF


Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians v. Coachella Valley Water District: A Tribe’s Successful Fight for Federally Reserved Water Rights - Alyssa Lankford   PDF

Extending Tribal Criminal Jurisdiction Outside of Indian Country: Kelsey v. Pope - Greg S. Keogh   PDF

Special Feature

“Dramatically Altered the Legal Landscape”? City of Sherrill v. Oneida Indian Nation in the Lower Courts - Samuel Pokross   PDF

Vol. 42, No. 2 (2017-2018)

Front Pages   PDF


The Misuse of History in Dismissing Six Nations Confederacy Land Claims - Curtis G. Berkey, Alexandra C. Page & Lindsay G. Robertson   PDF


How the Trump Administration Can Inform Its Indian Land Policies in Light of Historical Breakdowns - Shae Weathersbee   PDF

Welcome to the Mvskoke Reservation: Murphy v. Royal, Criminal Jurisdiction, and Reservation Diminishment in Indian Country - Calandra McCool   PDF

Tribal Cannabis: Solution to Oklahoma Public Education Underfunding - Kaimbri White   PDF


How the Ninth Circuit Severed the Indian Civil Rights Act from Federal Habeas Corpus Precedent Under the Guise of Tribal Sovereignty - Morgan Medders   PDF

Murphy v. Royal: Crime and Procedure - Kevin Cartwright   PDF

Special Feature

Winner, Best Appellate Brief in the 2018 Native American Law Student Association Moot Court Competition - Lianne T. Chung & Nicholas Ernst   PDF

Vol. 42, No. 1 (2017-2018)


Through a Federal Habeas Corpus Glass, Darkly – Who Is Entitled to Effective Assistance of Counsel in Tribal Court Under ICRA and How Will We Know if They Got It? - Jordan Gross   PDF

Tribal Sovereignty and the Recognition Power - Lance F. Sorenson   PDF


Twenty-Five Years Later: The Amendments to the National Historic Preservation Act and Tribal Consultation - Brody Hinds   PDF

Foreign-Trade Zones in Indian County: Is a Foreign-Trade Zone Right for Your Tribe? - Jacob Laughlin   PDF

Silence Is Anything but Golden: Laws of General Applicability in Indian Country - Bryan R. Lynch   PDF


Alvarez v. Lopez: The Ninth Circuit Overextends Congress's Intended Use of Plenary Powers with Its Interpretation of the ICRA Jury Provision - Teddy Webb   PDF

Special Feature

Lessons from Relocations Past: Climate Change, Tribes, and the Need for Pragmatism in Community Relocation Planning - Eli Keene   PDF

Vol. 41, No. 2 (2016-2017)


The Fairness of Tribal Court Juries and Non-Indian Defendants - Julia M. Bedell   PDF

Access to Energy in Indian Country: The Difficulties of Self-Determination in Renewable Energy Development - Nicholas M. Ravotti   PDF

Federal Indian Law in the New Administration

States and Their American Indian Citizens - Matthew L.M. Fletcher   PDF

The Tribal Labor Sovereignty Act: Do Indian Tribes Finally Hold a Trump Card? - Vicki J. Limas   PDF

Continuing to Work for Indian Country in the 115th Congress - T. Michael Andrews   PDF


Mega Sporting Events Procedures and Human Rights: Developing an Inclusive Framework - Abby Meaders Henderson   PDF

Improving Microfinance Through International Agreements and Tailoring the System to Assist Indigenous Populations - Jacob Krysiak   PDF

Indigenous People, Human Rights, and Consultation: The Dakota Access Pipeline - Walter H. Mengden IV   PDF


Yellowbear v. Lampert— Putting Teeth into the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Person Act of 2000 - Nathan Lobaugh   PDF

Special Feature

Winner, Best Appellate Brief in the 2017 Native American Law Student Association Moot Court Competition - Devon Suarez & Simon Goldenberg   PDF

Vol. 41, No. 1 (2016-2017)


Capital, Inequality, and Self-Determination: Creating a Sovereign Financial System for Native American Nations - W. Gregory Guedel, Ph.D and J. D. Colbert  PDF


Why Indigenous Peoples’ Property Rights Matter: Why the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples May Be Used to Condemn Isis and the State of Iraq for Their Failure to Protect the Property Rights of Indigenous Peoples in the Nineveh Plains - Brooke E. Hamilton  PDF

Defending the Cobell Buy-Back Program - Rebekah Martin PDF

Intellectual Property Rights and Informed Consent in American Indian Communities: Legal and Ethical Issues - Naomi Palosaari  PDF

Raising Capital in Indian Country - Evan Way  PDF


Christman v. Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde: A Chapter in the Disenrollment Epidemic - Tabitha Minke  PDF

Special Features

The Dynamic Legal Environment of Daily Fantasy Sports - Elizabeth Lohah Homer  PDF

Trespass to Culture: The Bioethics of Indigenous Populations’ Informed Consent in Mainstream Genetic Research Paradigms - Alexandra Winters  PDF