Who We Are
The American Indian Law Review serves as a nationwide scholarly forum for analysis of developments in legal issues pertaining to Native Americans and indigenous peoples worldwide. Publishing two issues each year, AILR circulates in-depth articles by legal scholars, attorneys and other expert observers. In addition, the Review provides comments and notes written by student members and editors on a variety of Indian law-related topics.
Every spring AILR hosts one of the nation’s largest symposia on Native American law, in partnership with OU’s Native American Studies Department and the Native American Law Students Association. AILR also sponsors an annual Indian law writing competition, which is open to currently enrolled law students throughout the United States and Canada. The top three entries are awarded cash prizes and the first place entry is published in the Review.
Founded in 1973 by an enterprising group of students, AILR consistently boasts a broad membership dedicated to the study of Native American law. Approximately fifty OU Law students participate in AILR each academic year.
What's New at AILR
The latest issue of the American Indian Law Review, vol. 48, no. 2, was published in March 2025 and has been posted at the Current Issues page. Featured in this issue are two student comments, “How Poor Is Poor Enough? How Jurisdictional Differences in Implementing the Right to Counsel Affect Indigent Native Americans,” by J. Santana Spangler-Day; and “Benefit Corporations—A Tool for Economic Development and Fostering Sovereignty in Tribal Business Structures,” by Madelynn M. Dancer, along with two student notes, “The Amplified Federal Obligation: Why Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization Amplifies the Federal Government’s Obligation to Provide Comprehensive Reproductive Health Care in Native American Communities,” by Rebecca M. Kamp, and “Oklahoma v. Castro-Huerta—Using Sentencing Inequities to Address the Oliphant in the Room,” by Dillon M. Sullivan. The issue also includes a special feature, “A Tribal Court Blueprint for the Choctaw Freedmen: Effect of Cherokee Nation v. Nash,” by LeeAnn Littlejohn.
The deadline has passed and judging has begun for the 2024-2025 American Indian Law Review National Writing Competition. Cash prizes of $1,500, $750, and $400 will be awarded. See the Writing Competition page for details.
Serving as editors of the American Indian Law Review during the 2023-2024 academic year are: Editor-in-Chief: Mekko Factor; Managing Editor: Claire Kerr; Executive Editor: Savannah S. Francis; Business Development Editor: Darbi E. Robertson; Articles Development Editor: Neena Alavicheh; Assistant Managing Editors: Evan Gamble, Hannah Hays, Julianne Price, and Abrielle Sigler; Assistant Executive Editors: Spencer Crichton, Skye Hosch, Spencer Martin, and Josh Pumphrey; Research Editors: Evan Gamble, Skye Hosch, and Julianne Price; and Writing Competitions Editor: Jacob Lewis.
Vol. 48, no. 1 of the American Indian Law Review, published in April 2024, is also available in PDF format at the Current Issues page. Featured in this issue is the winning paper in the 2023 AILR National Writing Competition, “Unprincipled Preemption: Why the Supreme Court Was Wrong in Oklahoma v. Castro-Huerta to Abandon Exclusive Federal Jurisdiction over Crimes by Non-Indians Against Indians in Indian Country,” by Eric Ramoutar; and another special feature, “Removing the Stain Without Undermining Military Awards: Revoking Medals Earned at Wounded Knee Creek in 1890,” by Dwight S. Mears. Also featured are a new student comment, “The Split from Precedent: An Analysis of the Negative Impact Oklahoma v. Castro-Huerta Will Have in Indian Country,” by Meg A. Bloom; and three new student notes: “The Indian Child Welfare Act, Political Classification of 'Indians,' and Preservation of Tribal Sovereignty: Children, the Most Precious Resource,” by Rachel Yost; “Oklahoma v. Castro-Huerta: Oklahoma’s Latest Power Grab and Its Implications for Native Women in a Post-Roe World,” by Camryn A. Conroy; and “A Note on Navajo Nation v. Urban Outfitters, Inc.,” by Brantly J. Stockton.American Indian Law Review editors serving for the 2024-2025 academic year are: Editor-In-Chief: Mekko Factor; Managing Editor: Claire Kerr; Executive Editor: Savannah S. Francis; Articles Development Editor: Neena Alavicheh; Assistant Managing Editors: Evan Gamble, Hannah Hays, Julianne Price, and Abrielle Sigler; Research Editors: Evan Gamble, Skye Taylor, and Julianne Price; Business Development Editor: Darbi E. Robertson; Assistant Executive Editors: Spencer Crichton, Skye Taylor, Spencer Martin, and Josh Pumphrey; Writing Competitions Editor: Jacob Lewis; Members: Ivy K. Chase, Wes Corwin, Kayla H. Gray, and Benjamin A. Sinder.
The AILR is currently reviewing articles. See the Submissions page for details.
The AILR archive of past issues is available free of charge. PDF copies of issues going back to vol. 1, no. 1 (1973) can be found through our Digital Commons page.
How to Contact Us
Mekko Factor, Editor-in-Chief: mekko.factor@ou.edu, (405) 325-2840
Michael Waters, Editorial Advisor: mwaters@ou.edu, (405) 325-5191
The American Indian Law Review is dedicated to publishing scholarly work in the field of federal Indian law and issues affecting indigenous peoples. The editorial board consists of law students, not licensed attorneys, and cannot provide legal advice. For assistance with legal issues please contact your local legal aid society.
AILR may be contacted by regular mail at: American Indian Law Review, University of Oklahoma College of Law, 300 Timberdell Road, Norman, OK 73019
Digital Commons
Explore AILR archives on OU Law's Digital Commons.