Welcome to the Class of 2028!
At the University of Oklahoma College of Law, we put our pride to work. We strive for excellence beyond the classroom. We transcend borders and create a place of belonging for all. There's Only One Oklahoma.
Next Steps
Congratulations, future lawyer! We're excited for you to join the OU Law family. Secure your seat and let's start this journey together.
Visit one.ou.edu/activate. You'll need your OU Net ID (usually 4 letters and 4 numbers) to create your account. You should have received this information along with your Sooner ID in an email from OU IT.
You will also need to enroll in PingID to ensure multi-step authentication when utilizing OU systems.
This OU account will follow you through your time at OU and will also provide access to OU resources such as enrollment, grades, course materials, and more. If you need assistance, please call OU IT at (405) 325-4357.
*You do not need to complete this step if you are a current OU student.
If you were offered a scholarship, please complete the online Scholarship Acceptance Form. All students are considered for scholarship at the time of admission based on merit. Your welcome package will include your scholarship offer, if applicable. Your offer of admission is not contingent on your acceptance of the scholarship offer, but you must accept the scholarship offer by the associated deadline. Acceptance of the scholarship offer neither commits you to nor reserves your place in the class.
In order to secure your place in the class, submit the $425 non-refundable deposit. This amount will be applied to your fall semester tuition. While the deadline to commit to the Class of 2028 is April 15, 2025, there may be flexibility depending on seat availability. Please stay in touch through your decision process.
1. Use your newly activated account to login to OU Law Courtyard
2. Select the "Seat Deposit Payment" tab at the top
In addition to submitting your seat deposit, please fill out the Commitment Form to let us know you're coming to OU Law!
Enrollment Checklist
A quick to-do list to help prepare you for the start of your legal education! Please note that some checklist items may not be available until after the New Year and into the spring semester.
Visit fafsa.gov to complete your FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).
Connect with your future peers on Facebook! This is a great place to look for a roommate, ask questions, and connect with other admitted students.
All incoming students at the university are required to complete mandatory online training in sexual misconduct awareness (and the alcohol policy if under 21) at onpoint.ou.edu. The OU Law Registrar will not be able to enroll you in courses until you complete this training. Typically, the training will appear in OnPoint early summer. You will be able to access the training with your OUNetID (4+4) and password. If you need help obtaining your password, please contact the IT help desk at (405) 325-HELP or email them at needhelp@ou.edu.
Please note, these trainings are assigned by central campus, meaning the College of Law does not control when they are assigned to your account. In the event trainings have not been assigned to your account, there is no need to worry. Keep an eye on your OU email account for notice of trainings being assigned.
The American Bar Association (ABA) requires that your official transcript from your degree-granting institution be included in your law school file. This must be an official transcript stating that your undergraduate degree was conferred with the date of graduation.
Please have your transcript submitted by your degree-granting institution directly to OU Law by August. If you graduate in August, please let us know and we will work with you on this deadline. If using an eTranscript service, such as National Clearinghouse or Parchment, direct your transcript to The University of Oklahoma College of Law or admissions@law.ou.edu. Alternatively, mail your transcript to: The University of Oklahoma College of Law, Attention: Maddie Farris, 300 W. Timberdell, Norman, OK 73019.
If an application was submitted with a complete transcript showing an awarded degree, an official transcript submitted from the degree-granting institution directly to OU Law is still required and can be submitted any time before August.
*Students who received their undergraduate degree from the University of Oklahoma (including early entry) do not need to submit their official transcripts.
Fill out the pre-registration form to self-identify as a student with a disability and submit documentation to the Accessibility and Disability Resource Center. Information regarding the documentation can be found in the ADRC’s Documentation Guidelines.
The OU Student Health Plan offers full coverage for preventative care as well as free services at OU’s on-campus health clinic, Goddard Health Center. With affordable pricing, the OU Student Health Plan is less expensive than the marketplace and many employer plans so you can budget wisely for the school year. Learn more about OU’s Student Health Plan to find the right fit for you.
You may purchase a parking permit for the Fall 2025 - Spring 2026 school year in spring of 2025. It is typically available in May. Make sure to select "Commuter Law" to be able to park in the law school parking lot!
You can find your course materials list at the Official Bookstore by logging in after you are enrolled in your courses. You do not have to purchase your materials at the Official Bookstore.
OU Athletics will notify incoming students via their OU email in August about purchasing student football and men's basketball season tickets. All other OU sports are free to attend for students. Just show up, show your official student ID, and support the Sooners! View complete information for student football and men's basketball season tickets at soonersports.com.
Friday, April 11, 2025 – visit Norman for a day full of exploring OU Law! More information will be emailed out in the Spring.
Email maddiefarris@ou.edu if you think you need to disclose a character and fitness update.
Each student has an obligation to notify the Dean of Students of any action that occurs after initial enrollment at OU Law if such action would have required disclosure pursuant to the “Character and Fitness” questions asked and answered on the law school application. The individual obligation to make such “Character and Fitness” disclosures continues until the first day of the first bar examination the student is eligible to take. If a student is unsure whether a disclosure must be made during schooling, please reach out to the Dean of Students to receive clarification. Failure to make a required disclosure within ten (10) days of the occurrence will be considered a violation of OU Law’s Professionalism Code. OU Law is required to report certain actions to the University’s Office of Student Conduct, Title IX Coordinator, and/or relevant state bars.
If the University becomes aware of any information that should have been disclosed prior to matriculation, said information will be forwarded to the current Admissions Committee to determine whether the decision to admit would have been different, and therefore, should be rescinded. Any student whose admission is rescinded shall not be entitled to reimbursement of tuition and fees or academic forgiveness on a transcript.