Bridging Disciplines: Dual Degree Programs
One benefit of OU Law’s unique position within a research institution is that it empowers J.D. students to enhance their studies with a second specialized graduate degree.
Our dual degree program, in collaboration with various University of Oklahoma schools, enables you to attain two advanced degrees quickly, usually within three to four years.
If you are seeking a dual degree, you must undergo the standard admission process for the College of Law and the partner school of your choice.
Businesses of all sizes, from Main Street to Wall Street, need expert legal counsel. If you want to complement your legal training with a foundation in business and finance, the J.D./M.B.A. dual degree program may be a good fit for you.
The business administration requirements for the dual J.D./M.B.A. degree are identical to the Price College of Business M.B.A. requirements, with one exception: instead of taking 18 credit hours of elective business courses as typically required, you will take six credit hours from a list of business-related law courses.
The law requirements for the dual degree are identical to the College of Law's J.D. requirements, with two exceptions:
- 78 rather than 90 hours are required;
- A student may receive up to four credit hours in approved curricular activities.
If you are interested in pursuing the dual J.D./ M.B.A. program, you must regularly apply for admission to and be accepted by both the College of Law and the Graduate College.
For further information on the M.B.A. program, contact the Price College of Business graduate office in Price Hall 1040, 1003 Asp Ave., or email
If serving as legal counsel for a nongovernmental organization, practicing health law, or working with health policy interests you, consider the J.D. and M.P.H. programs.
The dual degree in law and public health allows you to gain an academic grounding in law and public health. The program offered by OU College of Law and the College of Public Health emphasizes the increasing convergence of these two subject areas. The program combines the three-year J.D. and the two-year M.P.H. into four years of study.
The J.D. requires a minimum of 90 hours, and the M.P.H. requires a minimum of 44 hours. A dual-degree student will complete 81 hours of coursework at the law school while receiving credit for nine hours of relevant coursework at the College of Public Health.
Likewise, the College of Public Health will grant a dual-degree student 9 hours of course credit for relevant courses completed at the law school. All J.D./M.P.H. students must begin their studies at the law school for an entire year. After that year, they may start taking College of Public Health courses. Any elective courses need to be approved by faculty from each college.
As part of the required M.P.H. hours, a dual-degree student must satisfactorily complete a Practicum per College policies and an examination covering the practicum and the student’s coursework at the College of Public Health.
If you are interested in the dual program, you must be accepted by both colleges. Both degrees will be awarded during the same academic season. While each college should be consulted for current requirements, you may view a list of required courses for the J.D. and M.P.H. programs.
For more information, contact Steven Mattachione at
If what’s happening politically, economically, and socially around the world fascinates you, you might wish to consider practicing law in a global context. The accelerated J.D. and Master of Arts in International Studies (MAIS) program will prepare you for a career of this nature.
Requirements/Application Process:
If you are interested in pursuing the dual J.D./MAIS program, you must regularly apply for admission to be accepted by both the College of Law and the Graduate College. Applicants should apply to MAIS during the second semester of their first year of law school, by February 15, to begin the following fall semester. Nine hours of the elective credits will count toward both J.D. and MAIS requirements, allowing the opportunity to combine the three-year J.D. program offered by the College of Law and the two-year MAIS provided by the College of International Studies into four years of study.
For more information on the MAIS, please call (405) 325-2337 or email
OU is known for its expertise in Native American studies. Our innovative dual degree program allows you to combine your J.D. degree with a specialty in Indigenous Peoples’ law—a perfect program for those wishing to work with Native American tribes or organizations.
Graduates will be well-versed in law and achieve a broader understanding of its historical and social contexts and the varieties of tribal experience, language, literature, and culture.
This interdisciplinary program, offered by OU Law and the Department of Native American Studies, allows you to earn a J.D. and an M.A. in only three years rather than the four years required for separate study.
For more information on the N.A.S., please call (405) 325-2312 or email
If practicing health law or serving as in-house counsel for a healthcare organization interests you, the J.D. and Masters of Health Administration may be the right dual degree for you.
The College of Law and the College of Public Health’s Department of Health Administration and Policy offer this dual degree option to equip legal professionals with an in-depth understanding of the complexities of local, state, and national health policies, laws, and organizations. Law classes are held at the OU Norman Campus, and public health classes are conducted at the OU Health Sciences Center Campus.
If you are a student in this program, you can combine the three-year J.D. and the two-year MHA into four years of study.
The J.D. requires a minimum of 90 hours, and the MHA involves a minimum of 60 hours. A dual-degree student will complete 81 hours of coursework at the law school while also receiving credit for 9 hours of relevant coursework completed at the College of Public Health. Likewise, a J.D./MHA. student will complete 51 hours of coursework at the College of Public Health and receive nine hours related to legal coursework.
As part of the MHA, you must satisfactorily complete:
- An administrative internship
- An examination covering the internship experience and the student's coursework at the College of Public Health
Application process:
If you are pursuing the joint J.D./MHA program, you must apply separately to the College of Law and Public Health. Admission and retention in the cooperative program are based upon meeting the separate requirements of the two colleges.
For more information on the MHA, please call (405) 271-2308 or email

Certificate Programs
Our certificate programs combine required and elective law coursework, practical learning experiences, and professional development opportunities. Learn more about our certificate options.
American Indian Law
Deepen your understanding of American Indian law by engaging in coursework exploring Indigenous Peoples’ culture, tribal courts, federal water law, and more. This certificate includes experiential learning opportunities, including an externship and work with OU Law’s journal, American Indian Law Review.
To apply, visit our application.
Business and Transactional Law
The certificate is ideal for those who wish to enter a transactional and business counseling practice. Required and optional business law courses form the foundation of this program, encompassing instruction in business drafting and writing. You will also choose two courses from OU’s Price College of Business to complement your legal knowledge—options include business strategy, marketing, planning, accounting, and finance.
To apply, visit our application.
International Law
We live in a highly interconnected world, which means practicing law in the 21st century involves daily examining various trans-border transactions and endeavors. Whether you are interested in international business, international human rights, international criminal law, international environmental law, comparative law, or other areas, this certificate will further your knowledge of critical international law issues. This certificate includes international interdisciplinary and externship opportunities. We train tomorrow’s global leaders today.
To apply, visit our application.
Oil & Gas, Natural Resources, and Energy Law
From wells to wind, it’s an exciting time for energy in Oklahoma and beyond. This certificate program will further your knowledge of legal issues unique to the energy industry. You’ll learn more about oil and gas production—from well drilling to delivery systems—and wind and water law, conservation, mineral titles, international petroleum transactions, real estate, and more. Interdisciplinary options include energy management coursework from the OU Price College of Business or a geology class from the Mewbourne College of Earth and Energy.
To apply, visit our application.