Who We Are
Founded in 1948, the Oklahoma Law Review is published quarterly by University of Oklahoma College of Law to serve the profession and the public with timely discussions of state and federal legal issues. OLR’s editorial board and membership are composed of law students, who work in consultation with a faculty advisor. Each issue of the Review contains articles written by scholars and practitioners, as well as comments and notes authored by journal editors and members. OLR also publishes an annual symposium issue.
OU Law students gain admittance to OLR via high academic standing or by selection through an annual writing competition. First-year students are briefed on these two methods in the Legal Writing and Research class. Members develop invaluable skills in analyzing legal problems, marshaling authorities, and expressing themselves accurately and precisely. Academic credit is also earned for participation on OLR. Approximately fifty students take part in OLR each academic year.
What's New at OLR
The Winter 2025 issue of the Oklahoma Law Review, vol. 77, no. 2, was published in February and is available in PDF format at the Current Issues page. Featured are three new articles: “The 340B Drug Pricing Program: Administration, Litigation, and Reform,” by Ryan P. Knox & Ameet Sarpatwari; “First Amendment Rights on Trial: A Critique of the Time, Place, and Manner Doctrine,” by Alec Greven; and “Modularity, Licensing, and the NRC,” by Tara Righetti & Madeleine Lewis; and an essay, “Oklahoma’s Constitutional Search and Seizure – It’s Always Time for Enlightenment,” by Stephen E. Henderson. Also featured are two new student comments, “A Spoonful of Sugar Won’t Help This Medicine Go Down: The Inflation Reduction Act’s Failure to Address Pharmaceutical Evergreening,” by Megan E.A. Davis; and “A Legal Black Hole: Private Entities Mining Extraterrestrial Resources,” by Devin Lynn Doutaz; and one student note, “The Kids Aren’t Alright: Creating Greater Protections for the Children of Family Vloggers,” by Annie Dunn.
Serving on the Oklahoma Law Review for the 2024-2025 academic year are: Editor-in-chief: Nabihah Shah; Managing Editor: Douglas-Ann “DA” Smith; Executive Articles Editor: Micah Mays; Note and Comment Editors: Travis Handler, Madison Homer, Anna Spicer, and Grace Zizzo; Articles Editors: Rob Evans, Annie Dunn, and Duncan Merchan-Breuer; Senior Managing Editor: Megan Davis; Assistant Articles Editors: Alisha Clegg, Ben Mason, Gabriel Ngo, and Andrew Schuman; Assistant Managing Editors: Jamie Peck, Abby Selzer, Carlyn Shockley, Mason Strand, Hunter Trout, and Jack Webb; Research Editor & Candidate Mentor: Hanna Doudican; Judiciary Committee: Devin Doutaz, Chase Hamilton, and Andrew Schuman; Symposium Editor: Collin Ketelslenger; Outreach Editor: Trisha Bunce; Topic Editor & Candidate Mentor: Trisha Bunce; and Staff Editors: Collin Ketelslenger, Chase Hamilton, and Matt Preston.
The previous issue of the Oklahoma Law Review, vol. 77, no. 1, is also available in PDF format at the Current Issues page. This special issue collects papers from the Review's symposium held at the College of Law in October 2023, "Rewriting the Script: Challenging Ableism and Advancing Justice in Sexuality, Reproduction, and Parenting for Disabled People." Participating scholars are: Robyn M. Powell, Alexander A. Boni-Saenz, Leslie Francis, Jennifer L. Brinkley, Allison M. Whelan, Heather A. Swadley, Nicole Buonocore Porter, Sarah Lorr, and Sarah M. Morris.
The Oklahoma Law Review is currently reviewing articles. See the Submissions page for details.
The Oklahoma Law Review back issue archive is in the process of being relocated. PDF copies of issues going back to vol. 34, no. 1 (1981) are now available through our Digital Commons page. Additional volumes will be added in the months ahead.
How to Contact Us
Nabihah Shah, Editor-in-Chief: nabihah.shah@ou.edu, (214) 250-4456, (405) 325-5192
Douglas-Ann “DA” Smith, Executive Managing Editor: dasmith@ou.edu, (580) 504-8121, (405) 325-5192
Micah Mays, Executive Articles Editor: kaledparker@ou.edu, (214) 952-3489, (405) 325-5192
Megan Davis, Senior Managing Editor: megan.e.davis-1@ou.edu, (903) 245-1248
Michael Waters, Editorial Advisor: mwaters@ou.edu, (405) 325-5191
OLR's regular mailing address is: Oklahoma Law Review, University of Oklahoma College of Law, 300 Timberdell Road, Norman, OK 73019
Digital Commons
Explore the Oklahoma Law Review on OU Law’s Digital Commons.