Constitutional law is the foundation of our free society.
It defines the powers and limits of government and government officials, from the President in the Oval Office to the police officer on the beat. A concentration in this important field will set you up for a successful career in constitutional law, politics, civil rights, and more.


First-year courses provide a survey on the basic structure of our constitutional systems and individual rights. Upper-level courses offer a deep dive into key areas of constitutional law and opportunities to engage in simulated constitutional litigation. 

Gain invaluable hands-on experience through moot court competitions, externships with government agencies and civil rights organizations, and volunteer work with faculty engaged in pro bono litigation.

Areas-Specific Menu Courses Electives & Seminars Experiential & Other Courses
  • Administrative Law
  • Federal Courts
  • First Amendment


  • Criminal Procedure: Adjudication
  • Criminal Procedure: Investigation
  • International Human Rights
  • International Law Foundations
  • Advanced Legal Research
  • Human Rights Practicum
  • Supreme Court Theory and Practice
  • Comparative Indigenous Peoples Law Seminar
  • Comparative Responses to Terrorism and Political Violence
  • Education Law
  • Federal Indian Law
  • Immigration Law
  • International Business and Human Rights

Meet the Faculty

Learn from faculty who have worked for Supreme Court justices, litigated constitutional law cases from trial courts to the high court, and written authoritative works in the field. 

Joseph Thai

Glenn R. Watson Centennial Chair in Law, Presidential Professor of Law


Are you a current lawyer? Take your degree and accolades to the next level by earning your LL.M. in U.S. Legal Studies at OU Law.
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