Explore the concepts of goodness, fairness, and justice within a society by examining its criminal justice systems.
Delve into the possibility of making a societal impact through a career in criminal law, recognizing the challenges of long hours, high pressures, and limited social prestige. Despite these challenges, the undeniable and rewarding difference can make it a compelling choice. Discover more about this concentration and its curriculum.


Those committed to making our world a better place through righting wrongs should consider a career in criminal justice. Our program offers unique opportunities that provide you with an understanding and practical experience in the field.

Pursuing this concentration allows you to represent clients in our clinic and gain practical experience through an externship in prosecution, defense, or the judiciary. This hands-on learning experience is invaluable in preparing you for a dynamic career in criminal justice. 

Areas-Specific Menu Courses Electives, Experiential Learning, & Seminars Complementary Courses
  • Criminal Procedure: Adjudication
  • Criminal Procedure: Investigation
  • Federal Courts


  • Comparative Criminal Law
  • Comparative Response to Terrorism
  • Criminal Defense Clinic
  • Crimmigration
  • Federal Sentencing Seminar
  • International Criminal Court Seminar
  • Prosecution Practicum
  • Sentencing & Habeas Corpus
  • War Crimes Tribunal
  • Administrative Law
  • Alternate Dispute Resolution
  • Business Associations (3-4 hours)
  • Child Abuse Clinic (Interdisciplinary Training in Child Abuse & Neglect)
  • Evidence
  • Individual Income Tax
  • Interviewing, Counseling and Negotiation
  • Litigation Skills
  • Trial Techniques

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