OU Law is at the forefront of healthcare law with specialized legal courses that dive into this fast-growing industry.
Be equipped for various legal, industry, and government roles, from large law firms and healthcare organizations to pharmaceutical companies, public health authorities, and federal and state enforcement agencies. Explore the potential of our Healthcare Law concentration.

Be at the Forefront of Healthcare Law

Our healthcare law concentration provides a thorough understanding of U.S. healthcare system laws. The core courses explore federal and state regulations related to access, quality, liability, organization, and finance. Our curriculum is connected to a nationally acclaimed health sciences center, enhancing OU Law's standing and facilitating the delivery of pertinent, innovative courses.

Earn Your M.P.H. & J.D.

Dual Degree

If serving as legal counsel for an NGO, practicing health law, or working with health policy interests you, consider enrolling in the Master of Public Health and Juris Doctorate dual degree program. Offered by OU College of Law and the College of Public Health, your classes will emphasize the growing intersection of these subjects, aiming to complete the three-year J.D. and two-year M.P.H. in four years of study.


Foundational Courses Areas-Specific Menu Courses Electives, Experiential Learning, & Seminars Complmentary Courses
  • Health Care Access, Quality, & Liability
  • Health Care Organization & Finance
  • Administrative Law
  • Business Associations (3-4 hours)
  • Conflict of Laws
  • Family Law
  • Remedies
  • Torts II
  • Agricultural & Food Law
  • Bioethics and the Law Seminar
  • Health Data Confidentiality and Security
  • Mental Health Law


  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Civil Clinic
  • Employment Law Seminar
  • Statutory Interpretation


Explore health law with OU Law's LL.M. and online M.L.S. programs. Gain expertise in a dynamic field, whether you're advancing your legal career or expanding your healthcare knowledge.
College of Law entrance

Explore the J.D. Program